Environment Matters
I am passionate about the environment and greatly concerned about the future of our planet.
This site is my contribution towards informing and hopefully influencing towards a more sustainable future.
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Misinformation – Science and truth be damned
Misinformation - Science and truth be damnedTHE REAL ENEMY – MISINFORMATION: SCIENCE AND TRUTH BE DAMNED. The Covid crisis provided a clear but tragic example on the dangers of neglecting truthful information. Climate change will continue to prove this point on a much greater and even more tragic scale. We must know what science tells us and heed factual warnings. Allan...

Climate Change Close To Home On Election Day
On election day in the province of British Columbia, a major rainstorm lashed the south coast sending rainfall records tumbling. The disconnect in politics was also demonstrated that day when almost 1 million residents voted for a party that denies the reality of climate change.
Environment Blogs
Climate Change
As forests burn and cities drown, as crops wither and people die – there is no longer doubt that climate change is dangerously impacting societies the world over.
A Sustainable Future
We really can do better and there are some good news stories out there that can give us hope. Progress on many fronts is already occurring.
There’s no argument that plastics have greatly benefited humankind, but the benefits and convenience have come at a great price.
Footprints of Life
Everything we do has an impact or ‘footprint” on the environment. These articles address the environmental impact...
We are unnecessarily exposed to toxic substances, many of which are not adequately regulated. There are ways to lower the risk.
Trusting Science
Science will often reveal a truth that causes humanity great discomfort. What do we do when discoveries go beyond a ‘wow’ moment (such space travel) and force us to re-examine what we have become used to or even the way we live?
CoVid 19
The CoVid 19 pandemic presents one of the clearest examples regarding the critical need for evidence-based decision-making. Unfortunately, the presentation of scientific evidence has often been undermined by misinformation and divisive politics.