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There are more than nine million known organic compounds including hydrocarbon fuels, proteins, fats, sugars, cellulose, pesticides, dyes and more. Most are naturally occurring. But many are synthetically manufactured, with some highly detrimental to the environment and/or to human health. One notorious example, DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane or C14H9Cl5) was developed as the first of the modern synthetic insecticides in the 1940s. the well documented adverse effects of this compound was one of the founding events that spurred the environmental movement

Humans are exposed to a myriad of chemicals – in air, water, food, cosmetics, toys, carpets, paints and more as these series of articles explore.

How to Minimize Exposure to Toxins

How to Minimize Exposure to Toxins

How to Minimize Exposure to Toxins​Part 4 of 4 – series on exposure to man-made chemicals After reading my series of articles on man-made chemicals, some may now have the impression that we are living in a toxic soup with risks around every corner. This is not the case for most of us that don’t face --- occupational exposure (ie - farm workers, chemical factory workers,...

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Linking Illness to Chemical Exposure

Linking Illness to Chemical Exposure

My wife of over 50 years suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Were toxic chemicals used on the family farm a possible causative factor? We will never know. The linking of illness to chemical exposure is extremely complex as the following article explains. On March 18, 2021 – we (friends and family) lost a beautiful soul to Alzheimer’s disease. After my wife Margrit’s diagnosis...

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A Daily Dose of Chemical Exposure

A Daily Dose of Chemical Exposure

A Daily Dose of Chemical Exposure - There are over 9 million known chemicals – many of which are man-made. In the United States, there are some 90,000 chemicals licensed for use; In Canada and the European Union – that number is around 25,000. There can be great discrepancies country by country, in terms of how these chemicals are regulated. As we saw in the previous article...

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Toxic Exposure – Forever Chemicals – Part 1

Toxic Exposure – Forever Chemicals – Part 1

It’s likely that all of us have detectable levels of these 2 classes of forever chemicals in our blood – DDT and fire retardents.The phrase "Better Living Through Chemistry" is a variant of an advertising slogan DuPont adopted in 1935. The slogan was later changed to - "The miracles of science". But some such “miracles” came back to haunt us.INTRODUCTION Toxic Exposure -...

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TEFLON – IS IT SAFE? By Allan Maynard                          March 4, 2021 This was part of my breakfast a few mornings ago. And yes – it’s in a Teflon frying pan. It’s so easy – a tiny (well maybe not too tiny) dollop of butter, crack the egg in, flip after partial frying and out slides the perfect over medium fried egg. But – is Teflon safe? Because I am an environmental...

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